Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm a Pastor's Daughter!

It's been a busy, busy weekend! I flew home to Georgia this weekend to see my Daddy get ordained as the new pastor for Messiah Lutheran Church.
Not only was I in town, but Dad's sisters (Debbie and Robin) and brother-in-law (Don) all made it down from New England.
I also got to visit with some friends in Savannah and enjoy a good meal at Moon River Brewing. The only downside to the whole weekend was finding out that I'm sporting a case of pneumonia. Here I thought the coughing and fever were just a touch of a cold...

Monday, January 2, 2012

A warm welcome to 2012!

Well, a frantic 2011 came to a frantic end last month. I took a moment to reflect on some of the many things that happened this past year, and came up with the following:
*Went house hunting in Savannah
*Stopped house hunting when Brian got orders to move to Texas
*Got married
*Met my father-in-law and step-kids for the first time
*Raised an adorable little puppy
*Quit a job that I loved
*Moved halfway across the country
*Spent 7 months looking for a job
*Made some pretty amazing restoration projects
*Started adapting to Army life
*Spent two weeks with the kids
*Brian and I spent our first holiday season together
*Started a Master's degree
*Met some pretty cool people and a bunch of knitters
*Took computer classes and got Network+ certified
*Finally got hired and started working again!

All in all, I'd say it was a pretty crazy, busy, stressful, wonderful year. I am not really one for making New Year's resolutions, but I do have a few things that I would like to work on this year.
*Stay focused and proactive in my studies
*Make time for taking care of myself, physically and mentally
*Excel at my new job
*Keep in touch with my friends and family
*Explore ways to expand my creative outlets
Between working full time, taking two classes each semester, participating in the El Paso Knitting Guild, and still making time for my husband and dogs, I'm sure 2012 will prove to be a very full year!