Friday, September 4, 2009

New Cute!

After some serious consideration, and more than a little number crunching, I decided to go ahead and buy my first-ever NEW car: a 2009 Honda Fit.

I had actually looked at getting a fit back when I bought my Civic, but the dealer was back-ordered. Part of me would have been perfectly happy to take the insurance settlement and buy a reasonably used older car. However, the Cash for Clunkers program effectively dried out the supply of $5000 to $7000 used cars! I wasn't about to get anything for under $5000 (mainly for safety reasons, but also because I know I'd end up spending a lot on upcoming repairs).

When I looked for gently used cars (2 or 3 years old) I found that many of the Hondas in this age group were selling for just about $1000 less than a brand new car. Now how could I rationalize buying a 3 year old car with 40,000+ miles when for just a grand more I could get a brand new one?

The answer is, I couldn't. So I find this wonderful little base-model Fit at Southern Motors Honda. The staff were friendly, helpful and not at all pushy. And, lucky for me, they had the only Fit in town with a manual transmission! (It doesn't hurt that I liked the color, too) I have really enjoyed driving my new car this past week and will eventually get over the fact of having car payments again... I'm still trying to figure out what to name her. She's much cuter than my last car (which was dubbed "So Cute") but I haven't found just the right name yet. Any ideas?


Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...


As in, "You're the cutest, sweetest, itty bitty little car I've ever seen! Yes you are! Yes yooooouuuu are!"

Stockyard Queen said...

Oooh, I want one! We already have an Element (for dragging around dogs and home improvement crap and a long-legged 18-year-old), so I'm trying to hold out till they introduce the Fit Hybrid in 2010/2011, but seeing this may tempt me beyond my strength. Mine has to be red, though. Congratulations!

Skyebyrd said...

Why wait for the hybrid? This one is averaging 38 MPG!

Stockyard Queen said...

I guess mostly because we really don't need a second car, so if we bought one, it would have to get exceptionally high mileage. The other option my husband keeps pushing is a diesel, because we live in biodiesel heaven. He tried to talk me into a Volkswagen Bug Turbo-Diesel when we were car shopping, but it just wasn't big enough to drag around all this stuff.

Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

They are making a hybrid Fit?! Oh, I need one! If the regular one gets 38mpg, just imagine what the hybrid will do!

Stockyard Queen said...

Last I looked (and it's been a while), Hybrid Fit was scheduled to come out in 2010.