Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What did your last weekend in October look like?

As I may have mentioned to some of you, last week was national Protect Your Identity Week. I planned three community shred events and felt that, overall, they went really well. It was a learning experience for me, since I hadn't done anything on this scale before. Luckily we had wonderful weather all three days, and decent turnouts for the events in Savannah (South Carolina was a disappointment in attendance, but the guys from Advanced Document Shredding and the Port Royal Police Department were good sports).
Speaking of wonderful weather, this past weekend felt more like August than the end of October! Sunday was so perfect that Harley and I grabbed a blanket and laid out in Forsyth for a while. We got there just in time to watch folks pack up from the Jewish Food Festival, Shalom ya'll. What a great name!
An ant's-eye view of the live oaks with draping spanish moss. It felt so good to just be outside and relaxing: this kind of day was made for jeans, t-shirts and barefeet in the grass.
For my friends in the chilly northern climates, I can almost guarantee that you do not have morning glory blooms right now. Yet, here in sunny Savannah, they look as fresh as the first of spring.

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