Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another VPW (Very Productive Weekend)

I have a love/hate relationship with making lists. I hate the fact that lists emphasize how much I have not done yet. However, I love the feeling of crossing things off of a list. I love that it feels like I have accomplished something meaningful if I can look at a list of "to-dos" with every single one of them crossed out.

This weekend, I was able to cross three kinda biggish to-dos off a list.

First, I participated in my first 5K of 2010: the Wesley Community Center's Love Run/Walk. I take that title very seriously, so I traded off running and walking to finish in 36:26 (Corrected time now that the results were posted here). It's a few seconds slower than the Komen race last year, but I'm okay with that. Saturday the temperature was only about 34 degrees when the race started, and I was very stiff and the cold air made breathing a little difficult. Not making excuses, just saying.

Second, I finished the second knitted elephant I was working on.
I stuffed this one with loose fiber-fill and was so much happier with how it turned out that I re-stuffed the first one. Now they are both much more plump and happy looking!

Third, I finally FINALLY finished a pair of socks that I started back in ... 2008! It's ridiculous to me that it has taken me this long to finish a very simple pair of socks. But once I put them down there were so many other projects that I wanted to work on instead of picking them back up again. The concept was really cool: knitting two socks at one time to avoid the dreaded "Second Sock Syndrome." I guess it didn't work too well for me in that I still avoided finishing the project! The pattern started at the toe and worked up to the cuff with an after-thought heel that I really don't like. It's just not as clean or well formed as a short-row heel (if you're not a knitter that probably won't make a lick of sense). But I am glad to have finished them and can now return to the knitted shrug that has been hibernating in my ottoman since this summer...

And I still have all day tomorrow off for President's Day! To-Do List, here I come!

A few other quick notes. On Wednesday I went to my first Town Hall meeting to hear the Mayor's "State of the City" address. It was interesting to see the whole council and kinda cool to be up to speed on most of the topics that were discussed. But it was disappointing to see that there were only about 200 people present. On Friday I met a few friends at the performance of the Lula Washington Dance Troupe. The show was great and the dancers were awesome. But again, low attendance was a bit of a disappointment. It's amazing that there are so many people in Savannah but they have such a hard time showing up...

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