Friday, June 20, 2008

What did you do on your birthday?

I think it's very interesting to hear people's plans for their birthday. On my actual birthday I went to see a production of "You Can't Take It With You." Jill directed and several folks I knew were in it. During the final curtain call, Chris proposed to Laura and got a standing ovation when she said "Yes." Afterward Ian and I went out to dinner with the cast and had a great time. For my birthday party I had a bunch of friends get together in beautiful Wilcox Park for games, food and laughs. It was wonderful.

Ian, on the other hand, took a slightly more exciting approach to celebrating his birthday. He went skydiving. I have to say I was more than slightly envious...and a bit nervous waiting for him to call when he was back on terra firma! Click here to view his jump video. Jeez, he's always trying to one-up me...

1 comment:

Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

This is fascinating! How do they get such good video? Wow!