Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin's Halloween Memory

Wow, it was three years ago this week that Mommy brought me home. Time sure does fly. Halloween is a scary time for me because it brings back memories of the day Mommy found me. Makes me shudder. Imagine being a tiny (yes, I was tiny once) 5 week old kitten crouched against the concrete barrier on the Interstate 95 at rush hour. Cars and trucks were speeding past less than five feet away. It was cold and windy up on the bridge and there was garbage blowing around, too. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if Mommy hadn't seen me, a little puff of orange fur. Even though she doesn't like heights, she walked up that big bridge and scooped me up in her hat. I may getting hissy and act up sometimes, but I'm so glad to have my Mommy. And she seems pretty happy to have me, too. I guess that was a Halloween treat for both of us.

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