Friday, October 16, 2009

Better photos from the last post...

I didn't have these downloaded when I wrote yesterday, so here are some additional pictures to go with the old news.

Dad got his vicar's collar and a beautiful cross necklace from the folks at Messiah Lutheran Church. He's really loving his new role and is doing a great job on the study load for his classes.

This picture of Rushmore came out a little better than the one I took with my phone. Dad's photos from this spring are much more dramatic with a clear blue sky behind the monument. Oh well!
This mountain goat was wandering around by the parking area when we arrived. It was a little sad to see how tame he was, since this wasn't a petty zoo or anything. But at least there wasn't someone herding him around and charging to take his picture (a la Peru).
Look! Snow! That's real snow on the ground and blowing in my hair. With any luck this will be the only snow I see all year. My knees are still recovering from the cold and I don't think I'll miss shoveling or scraping my car windows.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Hi Skye! Did you go to the Black Hills? I LOVE the Black Hills! I grew up going there almost every year. What else did you see there?