Monday, February 8, 2010

Care Package #13 - Two for one!

Last week I was feeling especially creative. Since this box was going to contain both Super Bowl and Valentine's Day goodies, I allowed myself to take a break from the uber-healthy goodies and make some just-plain-yummy treats!

These nut-cluster chocolate heart bars could kinda be considered healthy (nuts are good for you and so is dark moderation) but they came out much bigger than I planned! I just roasted some almonds and walnuts then used cookie cutters as molds to pour in the melted chocolate. Of course I had to test them and it turned out delicious!

My first experiment with gingerbread cookies was a smashing success! I had to wing it with cutting out the shape since I don't have a football shaped cookie cutter (and wasn't about to buy one...) and had a bit of trouble with the dough being too soft after I rolled it out, but I am so very happy with the way these football cookies turned out! I will try to remember to post the recipe soon.

I've been working on this little guy for weeks now, and I finally finally FINALLY finished it! I have to say I'm a little disappointed with the finished result: I thought it would be cuter. Don't get me wrong, he's still pretty darn cute. But it doesn't quite look as cute as the one in the book. I think I'll have to play around with different types of yarn or something...
You can't see it in these photos, but the bottom of the feet have the same fabric as the ears. I do like that touch, adds charm.
I'd like for the body to be a little more round; right now it looks like the same shape as the piggy. And I think the ears could use a little work. What do you think? Am I being too picky?

1 comment:

Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

I think he's pretty damn cute myself. I tend to prefer my toys on the wonky side, though. Like Flat Guy.