Thursday, March 4, 2010

Care Package #16: Slacker

I would love to say that I whipped up something truly unique and amazing this week. Of course, if I said that I would lying.

Nope, this past week, I was a slacker. But don't go thinking that I slacked so far as to not send anything! I'm not that lazy. I just relied on a very trusted stand-by snack again: Trail Mix! The way I see it, Brian said he liked the trail mix, and it was all eaten almost as soon as it landed, so there's no harm in sending it a few times.

Several people enjoyed the Oasis Fruit bars so much that they were asking for the recipe. I was happy to pass it along, though no one else will be able to make them just the way I do... I'm working my way through the "Lipsmackin' Vegetarian Backpackin'" cookbook, so I will have great new recipes to pass along over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more lipsmackin' goodness!

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