Friday, June 18, 2010

Just working? Or working it?

I totally kicked it on an enormous grant this week, so I took most of today off from work to recover and reward myself.

When I first attempted the Infinity Dress, I intended to use some gray linen that I had picked up a few months ago. I trimmed and shaped the skirt and waist band, but then realized that once I assembled the rest of the dress it would be way shorter than I feel comfortable wearing. I knew I'd get around to doing something with the linen eventually (or I should say, I hoped I would get around to it...).

When I got home from work this morning I put in some quality time on a project that has drawn out way longer than necessary (photos to follow shortly) then needed a brain-break. So I pulled out the gray linen and played around with it. For not having a pattern, or even a really clear idea of what I wanted to do, I'm really excited with the end result! It's just a big circle (however wide your fabric is, the drape will be half that length) with a smaller cirlce cut for the waist). I cut a 3 inch bias strip for the waist band, then added the red on the bottom just to make it a bit longer and add some color. The waist was cut exactly to size, and I put it on over my head so I don't have to be bothered with zippers!

There's something strange going on here. Me. Skirts. Smiles. It's very strange, but I like it.

Oh, I'm also attempting to make granola in the crock pot, since firing up the oven for an hour when it's 1000 degrees didn't seem so fun. I'll let you know the results when the verdict comes in.

1 comment:

Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

Crockpot granola! I never thought of that, but it's the perfect solution for hot GA summers. Let me know how it goes. I might try it, too.