Monday, October 11, 2010

A Taste of Charleston, SC!

The chilly weather of a few weeks ago (48 degrees when I walked Harley one morning!) has given way to a bit of Indian Summer. It's only getting into the 60s at night and still reaching the mid-80s during the day. But the humidity has broken and there is no mistaking the Autumn is in season. If I were in Connecticut, I would be out picking apples, hiking on Cliff Walk with Julie, visiting Salem with the Girls, and strolling around Bluff Point watching the leaves change.

But, I'm not in Connecticut. I'm in Savannah, and I am having to find new Autumn activities. I stumbled on one just the other morning when I won 4 tickets to go to the Taste of Charleston! Several of my new friends have said how awesome Charleston is, but I hadn't made it up for a visit yet. The 2 hour drive isn't so bad, but I never had a good enough reason to stop sewing/knitting/baking long enough to make the drive. Now I had a good reason! And what Autumn road trip would be complete without a few of my girls to stir up some trouble?

I recruited Amanda and Robyn and we rolled out of town Sunday morning.

I didn't really know what exactly to expect, having never been to a "Taste of..." event before. There were about 40 different vendors offering a wide variety of foods to sample. Of course, the bulk of the dishes were meat or seafood, but I did manage to find a booming Butternut Squash ravioli, some poppy seed coleslaw, two yummy brownies and a strawberry shortcake.

There was a live band playing some decent covers, and also a Waiter's Wine Race through an obstacle course. The weather was beautiful, the company fun, the food tasty.

After the Taste of Charleston, we decided to head downtown and check the city out a bit. Amanda was the only one of us to have been here before, so she served as tour guide.
We visited the large outdoor market, with an interesting variety of goods (jewelry, trading cards, baked goods, and clothes).
We strolled along the battery walk and enjoyed the refreshing breeze coming off the water.
In the battery park was this very odd tree. It appeared to have been filled in partially with concrete... Perhaps to stabilize it? Hmmm...

I had exactly the kind of fun, relaxing and exciting day that I was longing for. I forget sometimes (though never for long) just how important it is to have good, quality time with amazing women. It's very refreshing. And now I know that Charleston really is as neat and pretty as everyone has been telling me! And, given the right weather and company, it would be a great day trip on a motorcycle (wink wink).

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