Thursday, June 16, 2011

A long, long drive

I know these are a little late in getting posted, but I've been a tad busy...

About 2 weeks ago, Brian and I headed out of Dad's driveway and pointed our cars West. For the next 1600+ miles I followed Brian's tail lights (except for a little detour around New Orleans...).

At first, the scenery didn't change much. When you're on I-10, Georgia looks like Florida, which looks like Alabama, which looks like Mississippi, which looks like Louisiana.

Even the far eastern edge of Texas looked pretty much the same (though it was getting hotter by the mile).

It wasn't until we were a little ways into Texas that the view started to change. Hills got flatter, trees got smaller and more sparse, and the horizon opened up before us.

The dogs did really well on the trip. They pretty much just slept in the car, sniffed at the rest stops, and wanted to play in the hotels. All in all, it could have been a lot worse!

After three days of driving, we finally made it home! I've been busy unpacking, looking for work, playing with the puppies and occasionally poking around El Paso. Last week Brian and I even took a walk through the El Paso Border Patrol Museum and the El Paso Archaeological Museum, which had a neat nature trail outside.

I have to say, I like El Paso more than I expected I would. That might be due in part to the fact that hardly anyone I spoke to had anything positive to say about it, so my expectations were fairly low. But the heat isn't too bad as long as I stay out of the direct sun, the view of the Franklin Mountains is gorgeous, and we have a really comfortable home. Oh, and I'm finally living with my husband. What's there to complain about?!

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