Sunday, April 25, 2010

Doing Fun Stuff in Savannah

It's been a fun and busy weekend here in Savannah! On Thursday night SCAD presented "Back to the Future" in Forsyth Park and on Friday night they showed "Up." They put a huge inflatable screen inside the bandshell and set up speakers around the green. Overall it was well done, but I certainly missed the orderly aisles that Wilcox Park arranged. Maybe next time they'll make an effort to leave walking areas open so you don't have to climb over people.
Saturday was the Annual Sidewalk Festival. I don't remember why, but I missed it last year. So this year I was sure to walk around and enjoy the awesome drawings. I brought Harley and she was surprisingly well behaved considering how many other dogs were around. Below are some of my favorite entries for your viewing pleasure (I would have taken more pictures, but my batteries have a habit of dying at inopportune times...).

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