Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hopping into Spring!

I am just having way too much fun knitting cute toys! I mean, it's not like I NEED an adorable stuffed toy frog... They're just so much FUN to make!

Now that I've finished Mr. Frog, I decided to re-visit an old project that I started last year but haven't touched in... um, I have no idea when I last worked on it! I think I started it around Memorial Day of last year. Yikes, better get cracking! There's no good reason a shrug should be stuck as a "Work In Progress" status for over a year. I told myself that I can not make another knitted toy until I finish this shrug. Stay tuned to see if my willpower lasts...

P.S. Don't you just love my little stitch markers? I made them from jewelry supplies and they are working like a charm!

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