Monday, September 27, 2010

The Autumnal Equinox (belated)

Last week was the Autumnal Equinox, the point where the number of daylight and nighttime hours are exactly equal. It just so happened that the Harvest Moon also occurred on the same day (a fairly rare thing). If I were still living in Connecticut I would have gone for a walk out at Bluff Point or Barn Island. But since I live in Savannah, I decided to take a leisurely stroll around Forsyth Park and see what autumn looked like. As I walked, this little haiku bounced around in my head:

Today the daylight
is just as long as the dark
A change of season

I loved the soft, feathery look of this dune grass bloom against the linear blades.
Prep work was in progress for the weekend's 29th Annual Savannah Jazz Festival.

I have no idea what kind of tree this is, but the lantern-like seed pods were so pretty.

The setting sun cast this lovely pink glow in the Spanish Moss.

And, of course, there was the moon. The full, swollen, glorious, bright and full moon. I know the photo doesn't show the same clarity I had when I was viewing it, but you still get the idea. The smaller, bright dot just below the moon was Jupiter, the second brightest heavenly body that night.

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