Tuesday, April 5, 2011


A very quick post to thank my friend Robyn for keeping me accountable. I somehow talked her into signing up for the Susan G. Komen 5K, then talked myself out of it! With just a bit of encouragement (and a little dash of guilt) she convinced me to go ahead and run the race anyway. Way back in October I had started what was going to be a 6 month run-training program. I started strong, for about 2 weeks! Then I got all distracted with P90X for about 8 weeks. When the wedding planning kicked off, I totally fell off the workout wagon. Which means that for the last 2 months I haven't done much more than walk Harley! I was a bit concerned that I'd be totally out of shape and disappointed with my race performance. So I Sunday I decided to try one lap around the park to see where I stood (which, conveniently, is one mile). I was able to jog the whole way without stopping and finished in 12:27. Not too shabby! Yesterday after work I gave it another go and finished in 12:29. Granted, it was two seconds slower than Sunday, but it was also a lot warmer and was at the end of the day instead of the beginning, so I was still happy. For the next two weeks I'm going to slowly increase the distance that I'm jogging. Hopefully by April 16 I'll be in a good place for the 5K. And even if I don't finish with a great time, at least I'll have done it!

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