Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finally Finished Crafts and Puppy Dates

For starters, Mo is 10 weeks old already!! It's hard to believe how much she has grown in the month that we've had her. She really is a sweet little thing, and pretty well behaved, as puppies go...

Several years ago (about 6 years, if you really have to know) I started saving corks to make a wine cork message board. As I myself don't actually drink wine, it took me a good long while to get a sizeable amount of corks (many thanks to the plethora of corks from the Inn at Stonington!). After I got a small box full, I sorta put the project on the back burner. As I was organizing for the pre-move logistics, I unearthed the box of corks. Vowing that I would not move a box full of corks yet again, I broke out the glue gun and went to work!

I also unearthed a Sisters journal that I have had for so long I can't recall... I forced myself to sit down, put the pictures in the sheets, and write out the 4 pages worth of sisterly quotes that I had gathered from the internet.

Gotta say, it's pretty darn cute!

This morning was Mo's very first ever puppy play date!! She had a lot of fun romping around Daffin with Raina and Diego. She was by far the smallest of the three, and often tried to climb my legs for a moment's peace.

We even had a visit from some Goldens that were enjoying the dewy field. All in all I think she enjoyed herself. I know that Harley has enjoyed the fact that Mo has been passed out almost all day!

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