Monday, January 18, 2010

Two more craft projects done!

I really enjoyed making a baby quilt using these rounded pieces. It was a new process for me, having only ever done straight seam quilts before. I liked it so much, that I made another! I even used some of the Jinny Beyer fabric from Mom's stash (she seemed to have bought a lot of it but never used it...). I'm really happy with the finished top, and I backed it with soft, purple/green/brown flannel plaid. Ahhhh, snuggly warmth!
I started this little piggy The Week of No Heat (as it has come to be known). I love how quick and easy it was to make, but didn't like that the pattern has you knitting in rows instead of knitting in the round (in an effort to break the bad habit of "winging it" on new patterns, I actually followed all the steps exactly). It took much longer than I would have liked to seam all the flat pieces. I can't tell if the author just doesn't do in-the-round knitting, or if she thought that knitting in rows would be easier for beginners. Either way, I think I'll be adapting the patterns to knitting in the round from here on out.
You can't see it very well from this picture, but this little piggy even has a curly little piggy tail! It's so darn cute I almost want to keep it for myself...
Still working on the elephants...may have them done by tomorrow though!

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