Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Connecticut Revisited

I didn't think that I would be able to get back to Connecticut to visit my friends anytime this year. Scheduling and money were the big barriers, certainly not a lack of desire. However, fortune smiled on me and I was invited at the last moment to participate in a Cities for Financial Empowerment meeting in Providence, RI. These people do amazing work and I was very excited to join them. And, since I was going to be in the area anyway, I decided to spend a few days trying to catch up with some of my friends!

I had breakfast with the Chominski clan. Nolan is the latest addition and at 4 months he's a handful!
Do these three look like trouble or what? I describe Jenny and Karen as two of my oldest friends: the kind of friends you'll never let go...because they have too much dirt on you! We spent hours talking and laughing and picking on each other. It was like I never left.
Reagan, Sammy and Hannah kept each other occupied while the girls and I caught up. It never ceases to amaze me how fast kids grow...
Julie and I got to catch up over dinner and enjoyed a stroll through Wilcox Park. I dearly miss living just a short walk away from her and all the fun times we shared. Thankfully, Julie is great at keeping in touch and, again, it's as if I never left.
I also got to visit with Diana and Carolyn, two of my former co-workers. These ladies always make me smile, and hearing about all the changes around the old office made me so glad that I took this job in GA! And there's no way I could come to CT and not go home to the Saporita's. A part of me feared the visit would be bitter sweet, scratching the scab off of our losses. But I should have known better. Though it will always stir up the memory of Jen and mom, I can never feel anything less then joy and love when visiting my adoptive family. On the way out of town I got to check in with my friends at the Inn at Stonington, which I'm happy to say has not changed a bit! There were far too many people that I didn't get to see this trip. Hopefully next time I'll have more than two days...
I couldn't have asked for better weather for my weekend getaway. Spring was in full bloom and I got to sample a taste of one of my favorite New England seasons.

What trip to Connecticut would be complete without a visit to Bluff Point? I've spent so many hours here over the years: whether walking, biking, journaling, bird watching, meditating or laughing with friends, Bluff Point is a touchstone in my life. When I needed to clear my head, lift my spirits, or struggle with my demons, Bluff Point was my refuge. Since my back was still very sore and time was tight, I could only manage a quick stroll. But it was still enough to refresh and recharge me.

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