Having found myself with a wee bit of free* time, I poked around on a very VERY dangerous website: Craft Gawker! But wait! Don't click that link just yet... If you have any inclination towards crafting, be it knitting, photography, quilting, printmaking, painting, jewelry making, sewing, paper crafts, etc consider yourself warned. This site will suck you and and swell your crafty soul with so many ideas for wonderful projects that you will be tempted to quit your job, bid your friends and family goodbye and lock yourself in your craft room for days at a time! If you think you're strong enough to resist this temptation, or at the very least manage your impulses, then by all means grab a cup of tea and gawk away at some beautiful crafts. I, for one, pretend to believe that I can manage my entirely unreasonable number of projects-to-be, and have now added yet another to the ever-expanding list: quilted wallets!
I've also stumbled across a few other fun crafty blogs and sites, and added them to my "Craft Related Links" in case you're interested.
*by "free" time, what I really mean is: time that is not spent on 1. one of the several projects that I have started but not yet completed 2. contemplating the many projects that I have considered but not yet started or 3. all those other things that I could/should be doing to maintain some sort of normal life (such as laundry, sleeping, playing with Harley... oh, and working).
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