Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Mad Hatter strikes again!

There is something so rewarding about being able to start and finish a knitting project within just a few days. I think that's why I'm hooked on hats at the moment.

I really love this simple, striped pattern. Switching colors every two rows keeps it from getting too boring and shows progress quickly. I'm sure there will be more color combinations coming soon...

This hat was a pattern I found on Ravelry and thought "That's really cute. I could totally make that!" So I did!
I think I'll play around with a few more brimmed hats. They just add a little extra umph to what would be an otherwise rather boring hat. And I just love the way cables look. Not that I think I'm ready to make a cable knit sweater or anything. Like I said, I'll stick with hats for a while!
I have another hat in the works, but I don't want to spoil it by giving you a peek. Trust me, it will be done very soon!

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