Ahhh, vacation. Time to relax, unwind, visit friends, explore...panic when I come back to hundreds of emails and work undone!
I usually try to schedule my vacations around major holidays. I find that most of my clients and co-workers are already on mental vacation and my work load tends to be less. Additionally, if everyone else is on vacation (such as for Thanksgiving and Christmas) there is no one at work to be sending me a load of emails while I'm out. Alas, I took the last week of August off and was dismayed to come back to a hectic rush of things that needed to get done ASAP.
*tangent* the term ASAP (as soon as possible) always makes me laugh. People say it with the assumption that it is synonymous with "immediately" when in actuality it may not be "possible" for me to get around to it for a few days.
Needless to say, I'm still digging out and trying to get caught up. I remember my mom saying once "I'm keeping my head just below the surface." It's a sad image, but feels like a very accurate description of my work life lately. Once I have a few moments to download my vacation pictures I'll update a post about the wonderful trip to NY and Montreal!!
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