Monday, September 15, 2008

Pumpkin has his say

Pumpkin here. Mommy has been really busy lately, so I'm posting a bit to let all you human peoples know what's going on.

First, Mommy is starving me. It's true. She took me to this horrible doctor that told Mommy dirty, rotten lies. The doctor said that Mommy is feeding me too much! I object! I protest! What kind of faulty data is this doctor-lady using to make this outrageous statement? I am a finely tuned, top of the line hunting machine. I am totally in shape... round is a shape. It makes me more aero-dynamic for hunting milk caps and stuffed mouses. Mommy tried to make this as painless as possible by cutting back just one ounce at a time. Ha. I'm clearly wasting away and my Mommy will be so sad when I expire from hunger. Nice going, doctor-lady.

Speaking of torture, apparently Mommy has been very bad. She has been making herself work out really hard and run really far. She says it's for a charity or something, but it sure seems like a punishment to me. Maybe she's punishing herself for starving me... Poor Mommy. If you want to see more about why she says she's "training" take a look here. As for me, I'm conserving energy. Winter is coming and I know Mommy does not like to turn the heat up until the frost on my whiskers turns to icicles, so I need to take it easy and try not to burn off my insulation!

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