Even though I have a handy little spreadsheet to help me plan out the care packages to coordinate shipping dates with special days, I occasionally get a little off track. The S'mores package was all shelf stable goods and hence was shipped out as soon as I knew that Brian himself had shipped back out. So they arrived in Iraq in time for the Fourth of July, while my actual Independence Day themed goodies were mailed out the day after the holiday. I know that I'm probably the only one who would notice, or even care, but it still irked me.
Especially since I had what I believe was a really neat idea. I took Oats and Honey Nature Valley Granola bars (I'm still trying to find a recipe that bakes up as crunchy as these), frosted them with melted white chocolate chips, then sprinkled dried blueberries and cranberries on top. Ta-dah! Red, White and Blueberry Bars!
Okay, so the picture isn't the greatest. But they sure tasted good!
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